The Brain Healer |Lightrod Bearer | Healing of Depression | Painting

From another dimension, this entity helps us by holding a rod of light between the neural junctions, as our brains learn to hold the light.
This series of images came to me as a visualisation born from desperation with my state of depression; I imagined a way to create a safe passage across my brain so that I wouldn't fall into what felt at the time like an abyss.
This was the result; a light rod and someone to hold it for me. These images came to me early in the morning at the break of dawn. The shape of the being was actually formed by the act of drawing round my diffused shadow. Isn't it interesting that the shadow had its own form?
Since then I have successfully conquered my depression, using many forms of healing, including yoga, meditation, mindfulness, self forgiveness, letting go of emotions, communication, self reflection, opening to others and learning to love myself in a whole new way. Read more about my personal process at
That's why this art, is meaningful!

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Many thanks for you time
Love and light